19:20〜の回では元パティシエANN先生よりCookingイベント で「Halloweenの指クッキー」の作り方をご紹介します♫

(12cmほどの指 約30本)
- バター 100g
- グラニュー糖 20g
- 黒砂糖 35g
- ざらめ 20g
- 全卵 15g(大さじ1杯)
- 薄力粉 150g
- かぼちゃの種

- バター、グラニュー糖、黒砂糖をゴムベラで、全体が少し淡い色になるまでよく混ぜる。
- 卵を加え滑らかになるまで混ぜる。
- 小麦粉とざらめを加え、粉っぽさがなくなるまで混ぜる。
- 10g程を手に取り丸め、10センチほどの棒状に伸ばす。

- かぼちゃの種を棒の先に乗せ、軽く平たくなり種がひっつくまで上から軽く押さえる。
- つまようじで、関節のしわをマネた線をひいていく

- 最低2時間冷凍する。この状態で冷凍庫で3週間保存が可能. オーブンを170℃に予熱
- 凍った生地を10センチほど間隔をあけてならべ20〜25分間焼いてできあがり♪

(about 30 12cm-fingers )
Butter 100g
Granulated sugar 20g
Brown sugar 35g
ざらめ 20g
Whole egg 15g(1 table spoon)
Pastry flour 150g
pumpkin seeds
・Bring the butter and the whole egg to room temperature.
・Shift pastry flour
1, Mix the butter granulated sugar, and brown sugar together and beat with a spatula until the batter becomes pale in color.
2, Add the egg and mix until everything is smooth.l
3, Add the flour and ざらめ, mix until you don’t see any flour left
4, Take 10g of the dough and roll it into a small ball. Then roll it into about a 10cm log. Place it on a pan, and repeat until all the dough is shaped.
5, Put a pumpkin seed on the end of a log and push until slightly flatten and pumpkin seed sticks.
6, With a toothpick, score lines that resemble wrinkles of a finger knuckle.
7, Freeze the dough for at least 2 hours. You can keep them frozen for up to 3 weeks.
Preheat oven to 170℃
8, Place frozen fingers about 10 cm apart. Bake for about 20-25 minutes until lightly browned.
Turn the tray during baking to ensure they are evenly baked.
Option: buy a red chocolate pen, or prepare royal icing mixed with red coloring. Trace around the edge of pumpkin seed after baking to make fingers look like they are bleeding.
posted by 新感覚英会話ラポール22 at 20:33|
